
These are the services rendered at the facility;

  • Clinics / In-Patient Depatment
  • The OPD clinic is run 7:30am to 5:00pm every day.
    The IPD clinic is run 24 hours.
    Dedicated team of doctors and nurses available.
    All forms of medical cases are seen.

  • Emergency Services
  • 24 hours emergency services.
    Specialist Emergency Physician present.
    Dedicated team of emergency nurses available.
    Both surgical & Medical emergencies seen

  • Diabetic & Hypertension

  • Diagnostic Services
  • The hospital run these diagnostic services 24 hours:
    Hierogram, Biochemistry, Blood culture.
    Transfusion Services.
    Sputum analysis.
    X - Ray
    Ultrasound Scans

  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Specialist clinic run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
    OBST Gynecologist present.
    Focused ANC done alongside specialist consultation.

  • Ear Nose & Throat (ENT)
  • Specialist clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the ENT specialist.
    Out-patient procedures done daily clinic.
    Two ENT nurse available 24/7.
    General clinic daily.

  • Ophthalmology
  • Daily with two (2) ophthalmic nurse
    Daily visual acuity done
    General Eye care.

  • Dental
  • Daily Clinic.
    Tooth extraction, cleaning and general care.

  • General Surgery
  • Specialist Clinic run on Mondays with the General Surgeon.
    Clinic include urological, general, orthopedic pediatric surgical plastic and neuro – surgical consultation

  • Mental Health
  • Daily clinic done.
    Detention facilities available.

  • Pharmacy
  • 24 hours pharmacy services.
    General pharmacy services available

  • Mortuary
  • Autopsy done.
    General mortuary services available.